Saturday, March 30, 2019

Hurt, Disappointed and Discouraged

To someone who's hurt, disappointed and discouraged,
Please be strong. Never give up on yourself.
Sometimes all you need is to breathe everything out. Just for once, be you.
Stop pretending to be strong for a while. I know how strong and capable you are. I know the feeling of pretending to be tough but stop because you will only break yourself.
Cry if you want.
Cry everything out until nothing's left.
Cry all the pain and disappoinments out.
It's okay not to be okay sometimes they say, and I agree with that.
After you had enough, pick yourself up.
Start gaining your strength in God. Trust me, I know this. Trust God with everything. Surrender everything to Him. And let Him turn your pain into Joy.
 God will renew your strength. And will surely change your heart if you allow Him. 
He loves you so much that He doesn't want you to give up on yourself or lose you.
He has plans for you more than you know.
And know this, you are precious to Him, even if you call yourself a believer or not.
He loves you. He cares for you. And yes, He knows everything about you. 

Remember : You are loved and you are not alone.

P.S I'm up if you feel down or you have no one to talk to or need an encouragement. Just leave a comment or email address and we can talk. :)